Dr. Barbara Walker Green — a dynamic entrepreneur, financial expert, and published author renowned for her insightful and practical approach to financial literacy and empowerment. With a portfolio of successful businesses and a powerful voice in personal finance, Barbara leads a mission to equip individuals with the tools they need to achieve financial independence and resilience

Running multiple businesses, authoring books, speaking at public engagements, and maintaining healthy family relationships simultaneously demand exceptional organizational skills, unwavering passion, and a robust support system. Dr. Green’s success in these ventures is a testament to her disciplined time management, her deep-seated commitment to her goals, and her ability to inspire and mobilize a team around her vision. Balancing such a multifaceted career with personal life requires not only dedication but also a profound understanding of the value of prioritizing and setting boundaries. For Barbara, it’s about making informed choices and knowing when to delegate, ensuring she remains present and impactful in every aspect of her life.


Barbara’s Businesses